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XLIII Wiosenny Rajd Elektryka in Rzeczka 21th-23th of April
Part of our team in Rzeczka on trip for organizers.
For all our english-speaking friends:
We warmly invite you for XLIII Wiosenny Rajd Elektryka (student mountain trip), which will take place on 21th-23th of April in Rzeczka (the village), in Góry Sowie (Owl Mountains). Among the wide range of attraction you can try hiking, mountain biking and even jogging in the beautiful scenery of Owl Mountains. In the evening you will have opportunity to spend time by the campfire, listen to guitar, sing, make sausages, drink delicious hot wine and have a lot of fun!
The invitation is open for all students from Wroclaw University of Technology as well as students from other Universities and Erasmus Students.
Accommodation will be provided by the organizer (Studencki Klub Turystyczny SKT). Transportation and food: on one’s own. All participants need to take: sleeping bag, torch, sleeping pad and warm clothes.
How to sign in?:
- On 11th of April, from 11a.m. till 1p.m., room 312 in D-20 building, on campus of Wroclaw University of Technology. To book a place you need to bring entry fee: 30zł, ID card (or xero) and PRINTED REGISTRATION FORM! That form won’t be available during enrollment. The places are limited!
Registration form (so-called Karta Uczestnika):
- Can be found here: ../../, fill it and on the end PDF version will be created, print it and deliver on 24th or 25th of March. Registration form includes “Oświadczenie uczestnika” which is only in polish (not going into details there are some rules for all participants, which you must read, understand, sign and obey, most of them concern safety rules). For more information and translation please contact the organizer.
- We encourage you also to order occasional t-shirt (tick it on the form and choose the size). This time the project is extremely cool and you can check in out on the registration form. The t-shirt can be yours for additional 20zł/30zł, which you need also to bring on enrollment day (11th of April).
- In case of problems with registration contact: rafszt(at)
Entrance fee:
- 30,00 zł (includes accommodation, occasional badge, BBQ sausage and delicious hot wine
- We will leave Wrocław on Friday 23th of April, in the early hours BUT! Please remark that accommodation is available from 4pm!!
- Arrival to Wrocław: in the afternoon on Sunday 25th of April.
- Details concerning transportation will be available soon! Stay tuned!
- For more information don’t hesitate to contact our crew on Facebook or e-mail p.skrzyniecka(at)
Hope to see you soon in the mountains!
Studencki Klub Turystyczny
Politechniki Wrocławskiej